Maneuvering Monday
In this podcast, we invite you to follow the fictional story of Marie as she maneuvers the organizational culture and dysfunctions in the company Zebra Apps. Once a week, we invite guest experts to discuss what happens in the episode, and provide tools and insights into what Marie could do. Let's maneuver Mondays together!
Maneuvering Monday
Chapter 6 Episode 3: The Final Episode with AK & Ivanna
In this final episode of Maneuvering Monday the podcast, AK and Ivanna wrap up everything and share the next steps for our book project.
There is a bit of heavy breathing (sorry!) as we discuss Natalie and her trajectory, and how she ends up finally connecting with her purpose and passion after having suffered from 'The Peter Principle' throughout the story in her role as CEO at Zebra Apps.
We talk about Anne and how she started off a bit arrogant, but ended up with good self-reflections (and a bit of a depressing conclusion about the human inability to improve company culture, which we do not believe is true).
We investigate Carrie's mum's actual problem, and talk about the pressure and competition amongst parents with children in kindergarten and school - and not least society's expectations to us as mothers, when really the fathers of our children are Chief Playdate Officer and Head of Spare Kindergarten Outfits.
We ask ourselves why the two most unlikeable and unpopular characters end up winning in the end, and whether a bit of friction might actually be necessary to progress.
And suddenly, Ivanna quotes John Lennon for the first and last part on this show (and maybe in general?).
Finally, we talk about how it all started vs. how it ended, how we got unexpected praise from a publisher for having a story with "a beginning, a middle part and an end", and then we share the most recurring questions and comments from our beta readers. We disclose the next steps for the book and what we wish we had known before we started to write. And will there be a Maneuvering Monday the movie?
Thanks a million to our beta readers, guest experts, voice talents, and listeners.
Stay tuned for more maneuvers!
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Anne Katrine & Ivanna