Maneuvering Monday
In this podcast, we invite you to follow the fictional story of Marie as she maneuvers the organizational culture and dysfunctions in the company Zebra Apps. Once a week, we invite guest experts to discuss what happens in the episode, and provide tools and insights into what Marie could do. Let's maneuver Mondays together!
Maneuvering Monday
Chapter 6 Episode 2: Cecil 'Gary' Rupp
Our very last guest on the podcast, Cecil 'Gary' Rupp, is an expert in leadership, business transformation, and Lean-Agile frameworks. With both executive management and management consulting experience, Gary brings a unique perspective to what our friends in Zebra Apps need to be doing to save their own future.
Value stream mapping is the name of the game in this episode. Gary takes us through the concept, which is covered in his newest book, The Lean-Agile Way, co-authored by several other experts (Richard Knaster, Steve Pereira, Al Shalloway).
As a proficient "herder of human cats", Gary shares advice on how to get large numbers of people to go in the same direction by applying a systemic perspective to improve flow. We talk about green Lamborghinis, project vs. product, and Lean vs. Agile. We talk about people, process, information, technology, and services as business enablers. And we discuss Eliyahu Goldratt's point about how it is waste to spend money on anything that is not an organizational constraint.
But most importantly, we discuss value stream mapping from concept to delivery and how this continuous exercise will lift an organization's ability to reach its target. Gary also shares insights into the BLAST and BASE frameworks for team collaboration in a Lean-Agile setting.
Curious? Check out The Lean-Agile Way, visit Gary's homepage and browse his learning site The Lean-Agile Accelerator Bundle. You can also find Cecil 'Gary' Rupp on LinkedIn.
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Anne Katrine & Ivanna