Maneuvering Monday

Chapter 5 Episode 2: Paul Hargreaves

August 21, 2024 Season 5 Episode 2

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In this commentary episode, we are pleased to talk to Paul Hargreaves, CEO of Cotswold Fayre & Flourish and renowned author of the books Forces For Good and The Fourth Bottom Line about purpose-driven and compassionate leadership.

We wish Zebra Apps had a CEO like Paul. And not just as Chief Executive Officer, but Chief Empowerment Officer, who makes sure that everyone in the organization is working to their full potential.

We discuss how Zebra Apps' customer-led strategy is out of control, and there is an absence of leadership and culture-setting across the whole business. A leader must be present - but how? Paul has several suggestions, including letting go of your individual office - and maybe even your desk! - to ensure that you spend time with your employees. While we do not talk detailed models and frameworks, Frederic Laloux (author of the book 'Reinventing Organizations' and one of the leading figures in the new ways of working movement) is brought up during the conversation.

We learn that people who eat together generally stay together, and the true/literal meaning of the word "company" (from Late Latin companio, "bread fellow," com meaning "with, together" and panis meaning "bread"). We discuss the importance of rigorously reinforcing habits, and being your true self at work, even if it gets messy from time to time. And then we talk a bit about how global conflicts and pandemics impact businesses in ways we could never imagine 5 years ago.

Curious to learn more from Paul? You can find him on LinkedIn or visit his website, where you can also find more information about his books.

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Anne Katrine & Ivanna

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