Maneuvering Monday
In this podcast, we invite you to follow the fictional story of Marie as she maneuvers the organizational culture and dysfunctions in the company Zebra Apps. Once a week, we invite guest experts to discuss what happens in the episode, and provide tools and insights into what Marie could do. Let's maneuver Mondays together!
Maneuvering Monday
Chapter 3 Episode 2: Marc-Peter Pijper
Is purpose your boss? In the second commentary episode of chapter 3, we have an interesting talk with Marc-Peter Pijper about holocracy, purpose, how to succeed and learn together as a team, equal pay for equal work, motivation, and not least the many metaphors of Marie's story.
Is the pile of junk in the basement a metaphor for all the problems of the company - and Marie's way of dealing with them? Learn how Marc-Peter thinks Zebra Apps could benefit from using their basement as a space to enable the organization to flourish. We also discuss what would happen if we skip traditional performance bonuses and reward people for their loyalty instead, and how to successfully approach the changes needed in Zebra Apps by starting small and experimenting with self-organization on the team-level.
Frameworks and concepts
- Holocracy
- Self-managing vs. self-organizing teams
- Self-determination theory
- Autonomy, mastery and purpose
Curious to learn more about these topics? Marc-Peter is a columnist for Corporate Rebels, and you can find all his columns here.
What do you think Marie should do? Join the conversation on our LinkedIn page
Reach out to us:
Anne Katrine & Ivanna