Maneuvering Monday
In this podcast, we invite you to follow the fictional story of Marie as she maneuvers the organizational culture and dysfunctions in the company Zebra Apps. Once a week, we invite guest experts to discuss what happens in the episode, and provide tools and insights into what Marie could do. Let's maneuver Mondays together!
Maneuvering Monday
Chapter 3 Episode 2: Sweet Loyalty
Going to get the cinnamon buns from the pile of junk in the basement, Marie finds a hidden sugar stash and meets the datacenter technician Willie. During lunch hour in the canteen that day, a dramatic happening occurs, involving sugar and a banner falling from the stairwell.
Marie and Erik learn from Shaine, who was recently headhunted from ConvoSystems, that he has told Willie about his salary in Zebra Apps, which is twice the amount that Willie gets paid. Marie confronts Mark about the salary difference, and Mark indicates that this is not a problem because Willie is loyal to Zebra Apps.
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Anne Katrine & Ivanna