Maneuvering Monday
In this podcast, we invite you to follow the fictional story of Marie as she maneuvers the organizational culture and dysfunctions in the company Zebra Apps. Once a week, we invite guest experts to discuss what happens in the episode, and provide tools and insights into what Marie could do. Let's maneuver Mondays together!
Maneuvering Monday
Chapter 3 Episode 1: Dr. Cherry Vu & Rob England
In this first commentary episode of chapter 3, we are delighted to talk to Rob England and Dr. Cherry Vu, partners in life and in their company Teal Unicorn. Together as a team, they transform organizations to New Ways of Working and Managing by being 'midwifes to the solution' for their customers (listen to the episode to find out what we mean).
Hear real-life examples from Teal Unicorn about how other companies have introduced rituals to cope with and learn from failure. Why is it a problem that there is a lack of psychological safety in Zebra Apps? How could Marie and her peers benefit from the good old marriage counsel 'X, Y, X formula' for feedback? And where would Cherry and Rob start if they had to help Zebra Apps investigate and solve their retention issue?
Visit https://tealunicorn.com/ to get Cherry's facilitation and Big Room Planning (Teal Planning) tips and tricks, as well as a lot more great content for making work better in organizations
Frameworks and concepts
Pssst: Cherry and Rob write books in English and in Vietnamese about New Ways of Working, Open Management, and even how these ideas illuminate raising a family. Find a full list here: https://tealunicorn.com/books/
What do you think Marie should do? Join the conversation on our LinkedIn page
Reach out to us:
Anne Katrine & Ivanna